Irwin Financial Corporation
Irwin Financial Corporation
500 Washington Street - Box 929
Columbus, Indiana 47202-0929
Phone: (812) 376-1909

Irwin Financial’s Mission is to be the best financial services company, through ethics and excellence, today and tomorrow.

We believe it is important to note how our Mission aligns with our Guiding Philosophy. We think ethical decision making and excellent performance must exist hand in hand in order for our business to create value for our stakeholders, in an appropriate balance, over the long term.

Neither our statement of corporate philosophy nor our mission statement accurately describes present reality. We do not pretend that everyone in our Corporation behaves consistently with all these values all the time or that we have achieved our Mission. As an organization of human beings, we are certainly not perfect. Nonetheless, believing in principles, having high aspirations, and critically assessing our behavior against both remains important. These are our beliefs about how we ought to behave, how we intend to behave, and what we aspire to be. They act as important standards to which we hold ourselves when assessing our own performance.

© 2009 Irwin Financial Corporation.
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