Lynnville National Bank
Lynnville National Bank
114 W. Lincoln Avenue
Chandler, IN 47610
Phone: (812) 925-3326
Fax: (812) 925-8189
The Lynnville National Bank has operated continuously since it was chartered on September 7, 1907. The main office of the bank has been at the same basic location throughout its history. The original bank was in the general store owned by J.F. Rickrich. Shortly after it was chartered, a new building was constructed for the bank. Over the years that building was remodeled and added to several times. The current building was occupied in 1976. Major additions to it were completed in 1992 and 2004.
The Chandler Office of Lynnville National Bank was acquired in September 1995. The office was acquired from National City Bank of Evansville. The building that the bank was located in was owned by the Lutz Family and rented to National City Bank. At the same time we acquired the bank from NCB, we also purchased the building from the Lutz Family. Originally the bank was called Chandler State Bank when it was started by Jack Lutz in 1953. In 1986, the bank was sold to National City Bank, who operated it as a branch until selling to Lynnville National Bank in 1995. A major remodeling of the Chandler office was completed in 2001.
The Newburg office, operating under the trade name of Newburgh National Bank, opened as a de novo branch in August 2004. LNB acquired a parcel of land on West Highway 662 and operated out of a temporary modular facility until a permanent bank building was completed in November 2005. This entry into the Newburgh market established a solid foundation for future growth of the bank.
The first president of Lynnville National Bank was Chris Caswell. After a series of presidents, Charles W. Pemberton became president in 1951 and served as president until 1976. Randall K. Pemberton was elected president in 1976 and remained in that position until June 1997. At that time he was appointed as Chairman of the Board/CEO. Bradley K. Pemberton was appointed President as of June 1, 1997.
In 1999, LNB Community Bancorp was formed as a one-bank holding company. LNB Community Bancorp is an independent bank with two branches, one located in Chandler and the other one located in Newburgh. On January 1, 2003, LNB began operating as an S-corporation for income tax purposes.
Mission of the Bank
The mission of Lynnville National Bank is to provide a wide range of financial services to its market, to maximize a long-term return to stockholders through capital appreciation and dividends, and to provide a progressive work environment with appropriate awards. Lynnville National Bank will accomplish its mission by taking an active financial and civic role in its communities. The organization shall deal fairly under all circumstances and shall endeavor to be the most professional and responsive financial institution in the market. LNB will continue to grow profitably by attaining excellence in the fulfillment of customer financial service needs. Growth may also be accomplished via acquisition, branching or merger when such actions are in the best interests of the Lynnville National Bank stockholders.
