Owen Community Bank
Owen Community Bank
102 S. Main St.
Cloverdale, IN 46120
PH:(765) 795-2222 FX:(765) 795-6086
Email: customercare@owencom.com
Owen Community Bank, s.b. was first chartered in Spencer, Indiana on August 4th, 1911. Since that beginning, Owen Community Bank, s.b. has grown to a multi-million dollar locally owned institution still remaining true to its original purpose: to furnish the community with a "safe and profitable investment of savings, to loan money on easy terms, to enable customers to build or purchase homes, and for all such purposes authorized by law".
Along the way, the bank has amended its charter and name to better reflect the growing needs of the community. New products and services such as business and value-added checking, internet banking, IRA's and money management accounts have been implemented to provide a wide range of services to our customers.